Company Description
Gananoque has the distinction of being located in a region that has been designated as one of nine geo-tourism sites and a world heritage location. Discover the many talented artists, unique shops and restaurants, take in a play or step back in time with a historical walking tour, experiencing some of the most intriguing and charming heritage sites in eastern Ontario.In the heart of the 1000 Islands, Gananoque is recognized as one of Eastern Ontario's most stunning waterfront communities. It has truly developed into a world-class destination for travellers, businesses and residents.
Products & Services
Property Taxes , Community Grants , Human Resources , Public Meetings , Utilities and Billing , Parking - Where to Park and How to Pay , Civil Marriage Ceremonies , Studies , Town Staff , Tourism Advisory Panel Grant , Meetings , Council Grants , Town News , 2022 Municipal Election , Physician Recruitment , Public Notices , Town Hall , Permits, Licences and Forms , Tenders and RFPs , By-laws , Finance , Town Departments , Committees and Boards , Official Plan Review , Planning and Development , Town Council