Company Description
OUR GOAL, To provide accessible, appropriate support services to seniors and physically disabled adults residing in their homes or apartments. MEALS-ON-WHEELS, Hot nutritious meals delivered regularly to your door by dedicated volunteers. DINERS, CLUB, Hot delicious dinners available in a warm social setting at the Support Centre. TRANSPORTATION, Provided for appointments, shopping, etc. in the vans or in volunteers' cars. HOME HELP /. HOME MAINTENANCE, Assistance with indoor/outdoor cleaning or simple repairs. FRIENDLY VISITING, Visits to individuals in their home, providing time for companionship. REASSURANCE, Regular contact or phone calls to homebound persons to reassure them that help is available if and when needed. INFORMATION / REFERRAL, Answers to questions regarding services and support available to seniors in your community. ADULT DAY PROGRAM, Supervised activities in a group setting for seniors and adults with physical disabilities. RESPITE CARE, Relief and support for caregivers. Services also available for individuals who are convalescing. FOOT CARE, Basic foot care by trained professionals. HEALTH PROMOTION, Includes exercise classes, information speakers, recreational activities, displays, etc.
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Products & Services
HOME HELP / HOME MAINTENANCE , FRIENDLY VISITING , REASSURANCE , INFORMATION / REFERRAL , ADULT DAY PROGRAM , HEALTH PROMOTION , Assisted Living Services , Meals on Wheels , Community Support Services , Respite Services , foot care , Respite Apartment Services , DINERS , Supportive Housing Services , Footcare , Handi Helper , Respite care , MEALS-ON-WHEELS , CLUB , TRANSPORTATION
HOME HELP / , shopping , TRANSPORTATION_x0003_Provided for appointments , OUR GOAL_x0003_To provide accessible , etc. in the vans or in volunteers' cars. , MEALS-ON-WHEELS_x0003_Hot nutritious meals delivered regularly to your door by dedicated volunteers. , appropriate support services to seniors and physically disabled adults residing in their homes or apartments. , _x0003_displays , HEALTH PROMOTION_x0003_Includes exercise classes , FOOT CARE_x0003_Basic foot care by trained professionals. , ADULT DAY PROGRAM_x0003_Supervised activities in a group setting for seniors and adults with physical disabilities. , DINERS CLUB_x0003_Hot delicious dinners available in a warm social setting at the Support Centre. , INFORMATION / REFERRAL_x0003_Answers to questions regarding services and support available to seniors in your community. , etc. , REASSURANCE_x0003_Regular contact or phone calls to homebound persons to reassure them that help is available if and when needed. , providing time for companionship. , recreational activities , HOME MAINTENANCE_x0003_Assistance with indoor/outdoor cleaning or simple repairs. , FRIENDLY VISITING_x0003_Visits to individuals in their home , information speakers