Company Description
Leeds and Grenville Interval House is a shelter for women and children who have experienced physical and/or emotional violence. We provide the following confidential services:
-Emergency shelter:
-for women and their children
-supportive counselling
-meals, necessities, comfortable family atmosphere
-information and referrals
-Children's program:
-support and advocacy to mothers and their children
-information and referrals
-relaxed and safe environment for children
-Children's witness program:
-facilitates a concurrent group program for mothers and their children (ages 4-16) who have experienced violence, designed to support the healing of children from their experiences
-follow-up counselling for children after group who may need assistance
-individual counselling for children
-Outreach program:
-provides counselling to women in their community who are presently in or have, in the past, been in abusive relationships
-the Outreach worker meets with women in their community, their home, or any safe location
-can accompany women to lawyer's appointments, court appearances and meeting with the Crown Attorney.
-facilitates a bi-weekly open peer support group for women who have experienced abuse in their lives
"Two Steps Forward"
-Transition and Housing Support Program:
-assists women to find safe and secure housing
-works with tenants and landlords to resolve conflicts and to avoid evictions
-offers information and advocacy about housing, social assistance, legal aid applications and safety planning
-can accompany women to social services, housing appointments
-assists with transitional planning and assistance in carrying out a plan for change
-Public education:
-Presentations and workshops when requested on Violence Against Woman
-available to schools, churches, and community groups
-Volunteer program:
As a volunteer at Interval House you can:
-Help women and children in need
-share your skills and experience
-make a positive contribution to your community
Photos & Videos
Products & Services
Public education , Emergency shelter , 24-hour crisis and support line , Children's witness program , child witness program , Volunteer program , group programs , Children's program , Outreach program , outreach counseling , Transition and Housing Support Program , transitional support
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